Monday, March 29, 2010

Disney Movies

Within the last month or two, I have noticed an interesting change in my friends. I live in a house with five other girls, and between the six of us, we have a LOT of Disney movies. Some are ones we have had since we were kids (yes, we have a VCR player), some are part of a Disney-themed room four of the girls had sophomore year, and some are ones we've just bought recently. Regardless, we have quite a lot between all of us. Most of the time, when we choose to watch a movie, or someone stops by to borrow one, the usual chick-flicks or action-adventure movies are picked out, but within the last month or two, I have noticed an increased desire to watch Disney movies from my friends. One girl is systematically working through all of the ones we own with her boyfriend (whether against his will or not I don't know) and other girls come over saying that they were really in the mood for "something Disney".

Where has this sudden yearning for all things Disney come from? Is it merely coincidence, or does it have something to do with the fact that, in less than two months, we'll be thrust out into the unfriendly world on our own, forced to deal with life's harsh realities of bills, student loans, and making ends meet without our parents holding our hands? I think this change is quite relevant. As we are all figuring out what to do with the rest of our lives and how we're going to do it, I think we're struggling with the idea of "growing up" and leaving our childhood behind. Of course, in moments of crisis about life, it's nice to regress a little and feel like you're a kid again. In our society, the easiest way to feel like a kid is through the magical world of Disney, and I think that is what everyone has been doing. Obviously everyone is under pressure from parents, friends, and professors to know what their plans are, and I have had many tell me that the next person to ask them "So, what are you doing next year?" will be beheaded, so everyone needs a little escapism right now.

The element of escapism or unrealism present in Disney movies is one of their critics' biggest problems. However, my question is, what's wrong with a little escapism? Many will speak of how Disney portrays relationships, gender roles, and elements of fantasy in a completely unrealistic, and therefore unhealthy, way. While I see that some aspects of the films (especially the gender roles) can be detrimental to a child's self-perception, I think that there is nothing wrong with wanting to watch something that is pretty, mindless, and happy once in awhile, or wanting to watch something in which a conflict is resolved in 90 minutes or less. No, fairy tales aren't like real life, and that is just the point. They aren't supposed to be. And sometimes, when things get too overwhelming and "life-like", everyone could use a little escape.

1 comment:

  1. Walking into DeBartolo this afternoon, I saw a young girl (five or so) wearing a poofy, glittery, yellow dress. It was a Belle themed Disney princess dress. She ran around, playing with her dogs as her mother grabbed things from the car. I'm not sure why she was there, but I thought it was wonderful that this little girl was running around in her princess dress. I would have much rather been her than myself heading into class.
    I get the same feelings watching Disney movies (or any other kid-targeted movie). It is an escape into a world of always happy endings and magic to fix the bad things. It works for me because I know these movies are not real. I do not want them to be real, not like I did when I was younger and pretended to be a princess. I want the Disney movies to be a type of happy place. Disney perfected this art, not just in the movies. Disney World is the “happiest place on earth” and the place “where dreams come true.” Disney built an entire empire (seriously, Disney owns everything, including Sean Hannity) around the concept of making people happy by returning them to their inner child and the dreams and desires they felt before reality set in. So, yes, I have many things in my life set out before me- a job, a husband, and everything else that comes with it. But I am still going to sit and watch The Little Mermaid and Cinderella and all those other movies simply because I enjoy them.
