Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Tale of Two Dorms

Lately, I have been living a fairy tale. I liken it most to Cinderella's story because it involves transitioning from a life of oppression and squalor to one of opulence and freedom. I am, of course, referring to my recent move from Lyons Hall to McGlinn.

In Lyons, I was forced to live in boarder-line uninhabitable conditions. 51 girls were forced to share three 45 year old showers, and four 58 year old toilets. On weekends, when Cathy our house keeper is off duty, you can imagine what that's like. Our bathroom gets so dirty, smelly, and generally disgusting, that I bet we could give Morrissey's shit holes a run for their money. Additionally, three of the stairs between Lyons' side door and my humble abode, 321, have loose tiles. I've only fallen down on each of them two or three times, and have not yet suffered any broken bones, thankfully.

When I began hauling my things into McGlinn, I certainly felt like a maiden rescued by a charming prince on a noble white steed. I glanced into the bathrooms and was shocked to see that sanitary facilities do exist on Our Lady's campus. Not only were there six toilets and eight showers, they were shiny, white, spotless, and built in 1997. More importantly, as I prepared to drag my futon from the ground level to room 427, I was relieved to find a fancy elevator. I hardly knew how to operate it, since I've only read about them in books and seen them on TV.

More important than the furniture and amenities, when I lived in Lyons, my existence was marred by hall staff. They fined me for petty violations daily - to the point where I had to go to Finny's instead of Fever on Thursday nights (couldn't pass up that reverse cover). My rector, ARs and RAs joined evil forces as a legion of stepmothers and sisters and branded my beloved group of friends "The Mafia," and did everything in their power to break our good spirits and frivolity.

Since I've moved to McGlinn, I tend to be as loud as I want at all hours of the day and night. Not a soul has criticized my lifestyle or my group of friends, and I feel completely free of all hall staff power trip driven oppression. McGlinn has truly been the prince charming to my social life.

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