Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Lookingglass Theatre - Arabian Nights

Over the summer, I was in Chicago for a few days, and decided to go see Arabian Nights at the Lookingglass Theater downtown. I only recall this because I have since received numerous mailings from them asking that I support their cause and donate to the Theater. Unfortunately, I am in no financial shape to be able to donate money to their cause, but it doesn't mean I can't give a shout out for their performance.
For those of you who have never been to the Lookingglass Theater, it is actually quite small, probably only sitting about 100 people total, and is located in the old Chicago Water Works...not exactly what you normally picture a theater being. Inside there is one small, square stage, with all the props for ALL the scenes already laid out, but covered with various blankets. It certainly appears pretty bootleg at first sight. There are only about 8 performers in the whole play, and several played multiple roles throughout the evening. However, once the production begins, it truly is a great performance. Many of the aspects that initially made Arabian Nights so controversial in Europe, such as the sex, language, violence, etc. are still incorporated. Yet, in a manner typical of many plays today, the performers expertly make light of them, several times even directly addressing the audience and mocking some of the more absurd elements. The performance has aspects that are absolutely hilarious, dead serious, and everywhere in between. There is singing, dancing, and just talking...even some rapping.
I am moving to Chicago for my job at the end of the summer, and I guarantee that at some stage I will go back to the Lookingglass Theater to see another performance. If it is anything like the Arabian Nights one I witnessed, I know I will not be disappointed. If you get a chance to go, I highly recommend it.

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