Monday, April 26, 2010

Fairy Tale Blog Reflections

I am not going to lie, when I first learned about our weekly blogs, I thought it would be a hassle and boring. But, surprisingly, once I began to consciously look for fairy tale references in our world, it was amazing to me how prevalent they truly are. I would be lying if I said there wasn't the occasional week where I struggled to find something truly original and interesting to talk about, but overall it was quite interesting. I never would have guessed how prevalent fairy tales were before taking this class.
Besides being surprisingly pleased with how much I noticed fairy tales references in my day-to-day life, I also was surprised with how analytical I was of the references. If you look back at my blogs, the vast majority of them were largely critical with how these references were utilized in our culture. I was genuinely a bit irritated by how the "Cinderella story" of the NCAA basketball tournament is, in my opinion, misinterpreted. To an even larger extent I was annoyed with how Bill Clinton used it to describe Barack Obama's campaign. But what this blog made apparent to me more than anything is that, even when fairy tales are wrongly referenced, they still are extremely relevant and influential in our world. People use references to fairy tales to stir up drama and in general to make an impact with their statements. Bottom line, fairy tales draw the attention of all types of people. This blog, more than anything else, helped me to see how much fairy tales are referenced in society, albeit oftentimes with misinterpretations of their proper meaning.

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